as Dame Giuliana

as herself

as Baba Yaga

A little about Julie.....
Julie Strozyk began her storytelling career by enthralling her classmates with "scary stories" in the 6th grade. She graduated from Marylhurst College in 1974 with a Bachelor of Music in elementary music education and a minor in drama - which she developed further by creating independent projects in interpretive reading.

In 1986, Julie joined the Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval/renaissance recreation group and took up storytelling again becoming a bard, Dame Giuliana, specializing in traditional, mythological, and epic tales from early cultures - mainly the British Isles, Russia and Italy. She won various bardic competitions within the SCA and with the encouragement of the "mistress" to whom she was apprenticed, Leslie Slape, Julie was introduced to storytelling groups and guilds outside the Society.

She is now active with the Portland Storytellers Guild (see link at left) and has studied with local tellers Will Hornyak and Michael Whelan.

As both 'Dame Giuliana' and 'Baba Yaga', and simply as 'Julie', she has performed for OMSI, Estacada Library, One World Peace Foundation, Longview Storytellers Network, Oregon Counseling Associates, and various schools.

Julie enjoys researching her stories and would love to assist teachers in developing story units in conjunction with history, social studies, religion, and language arts. She can be contacted through the email link at the left for this or for performance bookings.